最近更新:2023 年 2月
1. ?简介。
· Exchange Online
· Exchange Online Protection
· Microsoft Teams
· Skype for Business Online(以前称为 Lync Online)
· Office Web Applications
· SharePoint Online
·?Power BI Pro
· Microsoft Intune
2. ?界说。
“适用的月效劳费” 指您在适用效劳费抵扣的某个月为一项效劳实际支付的总用度。
“故障期” 指如下表格中指明的某一项效劳的相关功效在一个月中不可使用的总分钟数,不包括(1) 预先安排的故障期;及(2)由于下述第5(a)条所述的限制导致效劳无法使用。
? 在线效劳 | 故障期的情况描述 |
? Exchange Online | 终端用户不可通过 Outlook Web Access 收发邮件的任何时间段。 |
? Exchange Online Protection | 网络不可接收和处理电子邮件信息的任何时间段。 |
Microsoft Teams | 终端用户不可进行实时消息对话或者开始在线集会的任何时间段。 |
? Office Web Applications | 用户不可使用 Web Application 来阅读和编辑贮保存他们有权进入的 SharePoint 网站中存储的任何 Office 文件的时间段。 |
? Skype for Business Online(以前称为 Lync Online) | 终端用户不可看到在线状态、进行实时消息对话或者开始在线集会的任何时间段。 |
? SharePoint Online | 用户不可读写他们有权进入的 SharePoint 网站集的任何部分的时间段 。 |
? Power BI Pro | 用户无法读取或写入他们具有相应权限的任何部分的 Power BI 数据的任何时间段。 |
? Microsoft Intune | 客户的IT治理员或客户授权的用户无法使用正确的凭据登录的任何时间段乘以涉及的用户数量再除以用户总数。 关于 Microsoft Intune,被排除的计划内停机时间在每个日历年内不会凌驾10小时。 |
1?在线集会功效只适用于 Skype for Business Online Plan 2 Service
“事件” 指导致故障期的 (1) 任何单独事件,或 (2) 任何一系列事件。
“预先安排的故障期” 指与网络、硬件或效劳的维护或升级有关的故障期间。我们将在该故障期开始至少五?(5)?天前宣布通知或者通知您。
“效劳” 指的是本效劳级别协议文首说明的且由您凭据协议购置的在线效劳。
“效劳费抵扣” 是在请求获得批准后您可抵扣的适用的月效劳费的百分比。我们可能在您的请求获得批准后自行决定通过提供特别效劳时间的方法提供效劳费抵扣。
“效劳级别” 指本效劳级别协议中划定的我们同意在交付效劳时抵达的性能标准,例如,每月可用性。
3. 效劳级别允许。
如果某一月的月正常运行时间百分比低于 99.9%,您可能有资格获得下列效劳费抵扣:
月正常运行时间百分比 | 效劳费抵扣 |
< 99.9% | 25% |
< 99% | 50% |
< 95% | 100% |
4. 效劳费抵扣请求。?如果我们的某一项效劳未抵达上述的月正常运行时间最小值,您可以提交一份效劳费抵扣请求。
您必须向客服提交一份包括下列内容的请求:(1) 事件的一份详细描述;(2) 关于故障期的连续时间的信息;(3) 受影响的用户的数量和位置(若适用);及(4) 在事件爆发时您试图解决事件所做的努力的描述。我们必须在事件爆发当月的下个日历月的月底之前收到请求和所有要求的信息。例如,如果事件爆发在2月15日,我们必须在3月31日前收到请求和所有要求的信息。
5. 限制。
(a) 本效劳级别协议和任何适用的效劳级别不适用于下列情形下的性能或可用性问题:
1. 由在我们控制之外的因素导致的;
2. 由您或第三方的效劳、硬件或软件导致的;
3. 在我们见告您更改您对效劳的使用后,您没有凭据我们建议的那样进行更改,由此在使用中导致的;
4. 在预宣布、测试及试用效劳阶段(由我们决定)爆发的;
5. 因您未经授权的作为或不作为而导致的,或者您的雇员、署理、承包商或供应商、或者使用您的密码或设备进入我们网络的任何人导致的;
6. 因为您未遵守任何要求的配置、使用支持平台,或者未遵从可接受的使用方法政策而导致的;
7. 与在事件爆发时已保存但未付款的许可有关的。
(b) 效劳费抵扣是您在协议及本效劳级别协议项下针对任何效劳的任何性能或可使用性问题的唯一且排它的调解步伐。您不可单方面地为任何性能或可使用性问题抵销您的适用的月效劳费。
(c) 本效劳级别协议将不适用于作为任何效劳的一部分在用户场合外地运作的许可软件。
6. 多项效劳的购置。?如果您购置了上述第1条中列出的一种以上的效劳(不是作为套件),那么您可以凭据上述第 4 条中所述的流程提交请求,如同每一项效劳由一份单独的效劳级别协议涵盖。好比,如果您购置了 Exchange Online 和 SharePoint Online(不是作为套件的组成部分),并且在订购期间同一个事件导致了两项效劳的故障期,那么,通过提交本效劳级别协议项下的两项请求,您可能有资格获得两项单独的效劳费抵扣(每项效劳一个)。
7. 多项效劳一起购置。如果您购置了作为套件一部分的效劳或者其他单个效劳,每一项效劳适用的月效劳费和效劳费抵扣将按比例盘算。
8. 特定效劳和项目的除外条款及附加条款。
(a) Exchange Online、Exchange Online Archiving (EOA)、及 Exchange Online Protection (EOP):
(b) Exchange Online 和 Exchange Online Protection (EOP):
关于作为一项独立的效劳或通过 ECAL 套件效劳或 Exchange Enterprise CAL 效劳而许可的 Exchange Online 和 EOP,如果我们未抵达下述内容的效劳级别,您可能有资格获得效劳费抵扣:(1) 病毒检测和拦截,(2) 垃圾邮件识别,或者(3) 误报。如果我们没有抵达任何一项单独的效劳级别,您可以提交效劳费抵扣的申请。如果某一个事件导致我们未抵达 Exchange Online 或 EOP 的多个效劳级别协议标准,则对每一项效劳,您仅可针对该事件提交一个效劳费抵扣申请。
1. 病毒检测和拦截的效劳级别
a. “病毒检测和拦截” 的界说是,通过过滤装备对病毒进行检测和拦截,以抵达避免熏染病毒的目的。“病毒” 在广义上被界说为已知的恶意软件,包括病毒、蠕虫及木马。
b. 如果一个 EOP 病毒扫描引擎能够检测到某一个病毒并且整个 EOP 网络均具备此检测能力,则将该病毒视为已知病毒。
c. 病毒检测和拦截不是因故意熏染病毒而爆发的。
d. 病毒必须已经被 EOP 病毒过滤器扫描到。
e. 如果 EOP 向您发送了一份已经熏染了已知病毒的邮件,EOP 将通知您并与您一起甄别和移除病毒。如果因此阻止了病毒熏染,您将无权获抱病毒检测和拦截的效劳级别项下的效劳费抵扣。
f. 病毒检测和拦截的效劳级别不适用于:
1. 不归类为恶意软件的邮件滥用形式,诸如垃圾邮件、网络垂纶及其他骗局、广告软件及间谍软件。
2. NDR、通知或弹出的邮件中包括的损坏的、有缺失的、截短的、或非活性的病毒。
g. 如果在某一日历月熏染了病毒,则关于病毒检测和拦截效劳,可提供的效劳费抵扣率为 25%,每个日历月最多只能申请一次效劳费抵扣。
2. 垃圾邮件识别的效劳级别
a. “垃圾邮件识别”的界说是:过滤系统每日检测出的进入邮箱的垃圾邮件的比率。
b. 垃圾邮件识别的估测不包括发送给无效邮箱的误报邮件。
c. 垃圾邮件信息必须由我们的效劳处理,且并未受到损坏、变形或被截短。
d. 垃圾邮件识别的效劳级别不适用于大部分内容不是英文的邮件。
e. 您认可垃圾邮件的分类是主观的,并且认可我们将基于您实时提供的证据善意地判断垃圾邮件捕获率。
f. 垃圾邮件识别效劳的效劳费抵扣是:
垃圾邮件识别率低于99%的日历月所占的百分比 | 效劳费抵扣 |
> 25% | 25% |
> 50% | 50% |
100% | 100% |
a. “误报” 的界说是,一个日历月里被过滤系统过失地识别为垃圾邮件的正当商业邮件在效劳处理过的所有邮件中所占的比率。
b. 完整的原信息(包括所有页眉)必须报告给过失处理团队。
c. 只适用于发送给有效邮箱的邮件。
d. 您认可误报的分类是主观的,并且理解我们将基于您实时提供的证据善意地判断误报率。
e. 误报效劳级别不适用于
1. 群发的、个人的或者色情的邮件
2. 大部分内容不是英文的邮件
3. 被政策规则、信誉过滤或者 SMTP 连接过滤拦截的邮件
4. 发送到垃圾邮件夹的邮件
f. 误报的效劳费抵扣是:
一个日历月中的误报率 | 效劳费抵扣 |
> 1:250,000 | 25% |
> 1:10,000 | 50% |
> 1:100 | 100% |
(c) Exchange Online Protection (EOP):
关于作为一项独立的效劳、ECAL 套件效劳、或 Exchange Enterprise CAL 效劳而许可的 EOP,如果我们未抵达下述(1)正常运行时间和(2)邮件传送的效劳级别,您可能有资格获得效劳费抵扣。
1. 月正常运行时间百分比:
如果当月的 EOP 月正常运行时间百分比低于 99.9%,您可能有资格获得下列效劳费抵扣:
月正常运行时间百分比 | 效劳费抵扣 |
<99.9% | 25% |
<99.0% | 50% |
<95.0% | 100% |
2. ?邮件传送的效劳级别:
a. “邮件传送时间” 的界说是,在一个日历月中以分钟计量的平均邮件传送时间,邮件传送时间是指一个商业邮件从进入 EOP 网络到第一次乐成送达所花费的时间。
b. 邮件传送时间每 5 分钟丈量和纪录一次,然后按所花费的时间分类。最快的 95% 的丈量结果用于确定该日历月的平均时间。
c. 我们使用模拟邮件或测试邮件来丈量传送时间。
d. 邮件传送效劳级别只适用于发送至有效邮件账户的正当商业邮件(非群发邮件)。
e. 本邮件传送效劳级别不适用于:
1. 隔离或存档的邮件的传送
2. 在延迟行列中的邮件
3. 阻断效劳攻击(DoS)
4. ?邮件循环
f. 邮件传送效劳的效劳费抵扣是:
(界说见上文) |
效劳费抵扣 |
> 1 | 25% |
> 4 | 50% |
> 10 | 100% |
(d) 关于 Microsoft Intune,效劳级别允许不适用于以下任何产品或效劳:(i)作为效劳订阅一部分的外地软件许可,或(ii)向作为效劳订阅一部分的外地软件许可提供更新的基于互联网的效劳(不包括Microsoft Intune 效劳)。
Service Level Agreement for 21Vianet Online Services
Last updated on: Feb.2023
- ? ? ?Introduction.
This Service Level Agreement for 21 Vianet Online Services (this “SLA”) is made by 21Vianet in connection with, and is a part of, your 21Vianet licensing agreement (the “Agreement”). ?This SLA applies to the following Services:
- ? ? ? ?Exchange Online
- ? ? ? ?Exchange Online Protection
- ? ? ? ?Microsoft Teams
- ? ? ? ?Skype for Business Online (formerly Lync Online)
- ? ? ? ?Office Web Applications
- ? ? ? ?SharePoint Online
- ? ? ? ?Power BI Pro
- ? ? ? ?Microsoft Intune
We provide backing to our commitment to achieve and maintain the Service Levels for our Services. ?If we do not achieve and maintain the Service Levels for each Service as described in this SLA, then you may be eligible for a credit towards your subscription. We will not modify the terms of your SLA during the initial term of your subscription; however, if you renew your subscription, then the version of this SLA that is current at the time of renewal will apply for your renewal term.
- ? ??Definitions.
“Applicable Monthly Service Fees” means the total fees actually paid by you for a Service that are applied to the month in which a Service Credit is owed.
“Downtime”means the total minutes in a month during which the aspects of a Service specified in the following table are unavailable, excluding (i) Scheduled Downtime; and (ii) unavailability of a Service due to limitations described in Section 5(a) below.
Online Service | Qualifications of Downtime |
Exchange Online | Any period of time when end users are unable to send or receive email with Outlook Web Access. |
Exchange Online Protection | Any period of time when the network is not able to receive and process email messages. |
Microsoft Teams | Any period of time when end users are unable to conduct instant messaging conversations or initiate online meetings. |
Office Web Applications | Any period of time when users are unable to use the Web Applications to view and edit any Office document stored on a SharePoint site for which they have appropriate permissions. |
Skype for Business Online
(formerly Lync Online) |
Any period of time when end users are unable to see presence status, conduct instant messaging conversations, or initiate online meetings1. |
SharePoint Online | Any period of time when users are unable to read or write any portion of a SharePoint site collection for which they have appropriate permissions. |
Power BI Pro | Any period of time when users are unable to read or write any portion of Power BI data to which they have appropriate permissions. |
Microsoft Intune | Any period of time when the Customer’s IT administrator or users authorized by Customer are unable to log on with proper credentials multiplied by the number of impacted users, divided by the total number of users. For Microsoft Intune, excluded Scheduled Downtime will not exceed 10 hours per calendar year. |
1Online meeting functionality applicable only to Skype for Business Online Plan 2 service
“Incident” means (i) any single event, or (ii) any set of events, that result in Downtime.
“Scheduled Downtime” means periods of Downtime related to network, hardware, or Service maintenance or upgrades.
”Service” or Services” refers to the online service(s) indicated at the begining of this SLA and purchased by you pursuant to the Agreement.
“Service Credit” is the percentage of the Applicable Monthly Service Fees credited to you following our claim approval. We may, at our discretion, offer the credit in the form of additional subscription time following our claim approval.
- ? ??Service Level Commitment.?The “Monthly Uptime Percentage” for a Service is calculated by the following formula:
If the Monthly Uptime Percentage falls below 99.9% for any given month, you may be eligible for the following Service Credit:
Monthly Uptime Percentage | Service Credit |
< 99.9% | 25% |
< 99% | 50% |
< 95% | 100% |
- ? ??Service Credit Claim.
If we fail to meet the minimum Monthly Uptime Percentage described above for a Service, you may submit a claim for a Service Credit.
You must submit a claim to customer support that includes: (i) a detailed description of the Incident; (ii) information regarding the duration of the Downtime; (iii) the number and location(s) of affected users (if applicable); and (iv) descriptions of your attempts to resolve the Incident at the time of occurrence. ?We must receive the claim and all required information by the end of the calendar month following the month in which the Incident occurred. ?For example, if the Incident occurred on February 15th, we must receive the claim and all required information by March 31st.
We will evaluate all information reasonably available to us and make a good faith judgment on whether a Service Credit is owed. ?We will use commercially reasonable efforts to process claims during the subsequent month and within forty five (45) days of receipt. ?You must be in compliance with the Agreement in order to be eligible for a Service Credit.
- Limitations
(a)?? This SLA and any applicable Service Levels do?not?apply to any performance or availability issues:
- ? ?Due to factors outside our control;
- ? ?That result from your or third party services, hardware, or software;
- ? ?Caused by your use of a Service after we advised you to modify your use of a Service, if you did not modify your use as advised;
- ? ?During pre-release, beta and trial Services (as determined by us);
- ? ?That result from your unauthorized action or inaction or from your employees, agents, contractors, or vendors, or anyone gaining access to our network by means of your passwords or equipment;
- ? ?That result from your failure to adhere to any required configurations, use supported platforms, and follow any policies for acceptable use; or
- ? ?For licenses reserved, but not paid for, at the time of the Incident.
(b)??Service Credits are your sole and exclusive remedy for any performance or availability issues for any Service under the Agreement and this SLA. ?You may not unilaterally offset your Applicable Monthly Service Fees for any performance or availability issues.
(c)?? This SLA will not apply to any on-premise licensed software that is part of any Service.
- ? ??Purchase of Multiple Services. If you purchased more than one Service listed in Section 1 above (not as a suite), then you may submit claims pursuant to the process described above in Section 4 as if each Service was covered by an individual SLA. ?For example, if you purchased both Exchange Online and SharePoint Online (not as part of a suite), and during the term of the subscription an Incident caused Downtime for both Services, then you could be eligible for two separate Service Credits (one for each Service), by submitting two claims under this SLA.
- ? ? ?Purchase of Multiple Services together.??If you purchased Services as part of a suite or other single offer, the Applicable Monthly Service Fees and Service Credit for each Service will be pro-rated.
- ? ? ?Exceptions and Additional Terms for Particular Services and Programs.
(a)???For Exchange Online, Exchange Online Archiving (EOA), and Exchange Online Protection (EOP):
There is no Scheduled Downtime for these Services.
(b)??For Exchange Online and Exchange Online Protection (EOP):
With respect to Exchange Online and EOP licensed as a standalone Service or via ECAL suite, or Exchange Enterprise CAL with Services, you may be eligible for Service Credits if we do not meet the Service Level described below for: ?(1) Virus Detection and Blocking, (2) Spam Effectiveness, or (3) False Positive. ?If any one of these individual Service Levels is not met, you may submit a claim for a Service Credit. If one Incident causes us to fail more than one SLA metric for Exchange Online or EOP, you may only make one Service Credit claim for that incident per Service.
- ? ? ? Virus Detection and Blocking Service Level
a.??? ?“Virus Detection and Blocking” is defined as the detection and blocking of Viruses by the filters to prevent infection. ?“Viruses” is broadly defined as known malware, which includes viruses, worms, and Trojan horses.
b.??? A Virus is considered known when a EOP virus scanning engine can detect the virus and the detection capability is available throughout the EOP network.
c.???? Must result from a non-purposeful infection.
d.??? The Virus must have been scanned by the EOP virus filter.
e.??? If EOP delivers an email that is infected with a known virus to you, EOP will notify you and work with you to identify and remove the virus. ?If this results in the prevention of an infection, you will not be eligible for a Service Credit under the Virus Detection and Blocking Service Level.
f.??? The Virus Detection and Blocking Service Level shall not apply to:
1.? Forms of email abuse not classified as malware, such as spam, phishing and other scams, adware, and spyware..
2.? Corrupt, defective, truncated, or inactive viruses contained in NDRs, notifications, or bounced emails.
g.??? The Service Credit available for the Virus Detection and Blocking Service is: 25% Service Credit of Applicable Monthly Service Fee if an infection occurs in a calendar month, with a maximum of one claim allowed per calendar month.
2.?????? Spam Effectiveness Service Level
a.??? “Spam Effectiveness” is defined as the percentage of inbound spam detected by the filtering system, measured on a daily basis.
b.??? Spam effectiveness estimates exclude false negatives to invalid mailboxes.
c.??? The spam message must be processed by our service and not be corrupt, malformed, or truncated.
d.??? The Spam Effectiveness Service Level does not apply to email containing a majority of non-English content.
e.??? You acknowledge that classification of spam is subjective and accept that we will make a good faith estimation of the spam capture rate based on evidence timely supplied by you.
f.??? The Service Credit available for the Spam Effectiveness Service is:
% of Calendar Month that Spam Effectiveness is below 99% | Service Credit |
> 25% | 25% |
> 50% | 50% |
100% | 100% |
- ? ? ? False Positive Service Level
a.??? “False Positive” is defined as the ratio of legitimate business email incorrectly identified as spam by the filtering system to all email processed by the service in a calendar month.
b.??? Complete, original messages, including all headers, must be reported to the abuse team.
c.??? Applies to email sent to valid mailboxes only.
d.??? You acknowledge that classification of false positives is subjective and understand that we will make a good faith estimation of the false positive ratio based on evidence timely supplied by you.
e.??? This False Positive Service Level shall not apply to:
1.?? bulk, personal, or pornographic email
2.?? email containing a majority of non-English content
3.?? email blocked by a policy rule, reputation filtering, or SMTP connection filtering
4.?? email delivered to the junk folder
f.??? The Service Credit available for the False Positive Service is:
False Positive Ratio in a Calendar Month | Service Credit |
> 1:250,000 | 25% |
> 1:10,000 | 50% |
> 1:100 | 100% |
(c)?? ?For Exchange Online Protection (EOP):
With respect to EOP licensed as a standalone Service, ECAL suite, or Exchange Enterprise CAL with Services, you may be eligible for Service Credits if we do not meet the Service Level described below for (1) Uptime and (2) Email Delivery.
- ? ? ? Monthly Uptime Percentage:
If the Monthly Uptime Percentage for EOP falls below 99.9% for any given month, you may be eligible for the following Service Credit:
Monthly Uptime Percentage | Service Credit |
<99.9% | 25% |
<99.0% | 50% |
<95.0% | 100% |
- ? ? ? Email Delivery Service Level:
a.??? “Email Delivery Time” is defined as the average of email delivery times, measured in minutes over a calendar month, where email delivery is defined as the elapsed time from when a business email enters the EOP network to when the first delivery attempt is made.
b.??? Email Delivery Time is measured and recorded every 5 minutes, then sorted by elapsed time. ?The fastest 95% of measurements are used to create the average for the calendar month.
c.??? We use simulated or test emails to measure delivery time.
d.???The Email Delivery Service Level applies only to legitimate business mail (non-bulk email) delivered to valid email accounts.
e.??? This Email Delivery Service Level does not apply to:
1.??? Delivery of email to quarantine or archive
2.???? Email in deferral queues
3.??? Denial of service attacks (DoS)
4.??? Email loops
f.??? The Service Credit available for the Email Delivery Service is:
Average Email Delivery Time
(as defined above) |
Service Credit |
> 1 | 25% |
> 4 | 50% |
> 10 | 100% |
(d)? For Microsoft Intune:
With respect to Microsoft Intune, the Service Level Commitment does not apply to any: (i) on-premises software licensed as part of the Service subscription, or (ii) Internet-based services (excluding Microsoft Intune Service) that provide updates to any on-premise software licensed as part of the Service subscription.